Pacman is the default package manager for Arch Linux. The following commands will probably also work for tools like yay
or yaourt
that are supposed to share the pacman synyax.
Removes package, config files, unnecessary dependencies, packages that depend on it
pacman -Rnsc
Queries dependencies that are unnecessary
pacman -Qdt
Removes packages and dependencies of un-needed packages
pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qdtq)
list packages explicitly installed (Not installed as dependencies)
pacman -Qe
list packages explicitly installed and not dependencies to other programs
pacman -Qet
Clear cache except currently installed
pacman -Sc
Remove package ignoring dependency issues
pacman -Rdd
Lists files owned by package
pacman -Qlq <package>
Only show executables
pacman -Qlq <package> | grep bin
See which package owns a file
pacman -Qo <file>
Check which package owns an executable
pacman -Qo $( which <executable> )