The arp table is a local cache that maps IP addresses to MAC addresses in on the local subnet.

Example Commands

Show the arp table:

arp -a

Add entry

arp -s <ip-address> <mac-address>

Delete Entry

arp -d <ip-address>

ARP Scan

An arp scan can be done, even if you don’t have an ip address on a network. Often if you want to connect to a network manually, you can put the interface up, then do an arp-scan to determine which ip addresses are already in use. To find the range to scan, you could use wireshark or tcpdump to get ip addresses of devices on the network.

You can only use arp scan on your local network segment. If you are looking to identify hosts on a different network segment, you will have to use something like an nmap ping scan

Over a VPN

Arp is a layer 2 protocol. OpenVPN works on layer 3 meaning that you can’t normally run an ARP Scan over a VPN.

However, somehow it does work if you are running it in a VM and your host is connected to the VPN. You can also do it if you run it from a Docker container in Bridge mode. I am not sure how this works.

sudo docker run --net=bridge irasnyd/arpscan
sudo docker exec <container_id> /bin/bash

This image might not be the best. It is probably worth creating one for this purpose.


Scan the current local network:

arp-scan --localnet # samme as arp-scan -l

Scan the current local network on interface:

arp-scan -l -I eth0

Scan an IP network with a custom bitmask:


Scan an IP network within a custom range:


Scan an IP network with a custom net mask:



  • Enumeration
  • Network Protocol